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The Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation

Legal Updates

Health and safety COVID-secure spot inspections ongoing

Date: Thursday 12 November 2020

HSE is carrying out spot checks and inspections on all types of businesses in all areas to ensure they are COVID-secure.By calling and visiting premises and speaking directly to employers, we can chec…


Industry News
Legal Updates

Is my business insured for the financial impacts of COVID-19?

Date: Thursday 29 October 2020

You may have seen details of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) test case in the media recently and wondered how it may affect you and your business. The FCA has been instrumental in acting for pol…


Legal Updates
Industry News
IAAF Member News

When is a van a car?

Date: Thursday 29 October 2020

Our colleagues at Xecutive Search have forwarded details of a ruling issued by the Court of Appeal which means that some crewcab vans are to be treated as cars for benefit-in-kind purposes. Court. In …


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Job Retention Bonus: clarification of the scheme from Lawgistics

Date: Tuesday 13 October 2020

Back in July 2020 the government announced that, for every employee who was on furlough at some point and was in continuous employment until the end of January 2021, a bonus of £1,000 would be paid. T…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Job Support Scheme: Lawgistics explain the sheme

Date: Tuesday 13 October 2020

A successor to the furlough scheme was much anticipated by many. It has been announced that the Job Support Scheme will come into effect immediately after the current flexible furlough scheme ends. Th…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

HMRC COVID-19 Support

Date: Thursday 01 October 2020

Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme that came into effect on 1 October mean that employers will need to fund 20% of furloughed employees’ usual wages for the hours they do not work and con…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

New type approval legislation gets go ahead in UK

Date: Thursday 20 August 2020

One of the key pieces of legislation that the Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) has lobbied for over the past few years has been Type Approval Regulation (EU) 2018/858. This key pie…


Industry News
Legal Updates
HR Updates

HMRC: Making Tax Digital update

Date: Wednesday 05 August 2020

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) will be mandatory from April 2023 for unincorporated businesses and landlords with total business or property income above £10,000 per year. HM…


Industry News
Legal Updates

COVID-19: General advice for members

Date: Friday 05 June 2020

In light of the speed of changes with regard to the ongoing situation, members are urged to check regularly for the latest government information and advice and to promptly follow all recommendations …


Industry News
Legal Updates

COVID-19: Guidance and advice for First Aiders

Date: Friday 05 June 2020

A First Aider is generally called upon to treat relatively minor injuries. Sometimes they may have to treat serious injuries. Rarely, the trained First Aider may have to address very serious and life-…


Legal Updates

Important information related to unoccupied property

Date: Friday 05 June 2020

Boswell aftermarket have produced guidance on unoccupancy clauses contained in insurance policies. The document covers both properties and contract sites, as well as providing advice on how to manage …


Industry News
Legal Updates

COVID-19: Sources of information and advice

Date: Friday 29 May 2020

IAAF members may find the following links useful sources of information on various subjects relating to COVID-19. The list will be updated on a regular basis. General advice from government on how to …


Industry News
Legal Updates
HR Updates

Social distancing guidance for businesses in Scotland

Date: Tuesday 07 April 2020

Social distancing guidance for businesses in Scotland has been updated to help provide clarity on protecting employees in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). It provides further information fo…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Employers Liability - Compulsory Insurance

Date: Tuesday 03 October 2017

Lawgistics have offered the following advice to business in respect of Employer's Liability - Compulsory Insurance. Most employers are required by law to insure against liability for injury or indus…


Legal Updates

Increase to Compensation Limits and Tribunal Awards

Date: Wednesday 01 March 2017

The annual increases to compensation limits and minimum awards that are payable under employment legislation have just been announced, and will take effect from 6 April 2017, they include: &bull, Th…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Tax On Termination Payments

Date: Monday 26 September 2016

The government has started consultation on its proposed changes to tax treatment of termination payments. Changes to taxation of termination payments have been heavily trailed for some time and in t…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Childcare vouchers do not need to be provided whilst employee on maternity leave

Date: Monday 27 June 2016

This was a controversial decision by the Employment Appeal Tribunal and is possibly ripe for further challenge in the not too distant future. Generally speaking all employees on maternity leave are …


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Who is permitted to drive your vehicles?

Date: Monday 27 June 2016

There is occasionally a misconception amongst motor traders that a certificate of motor insurance permits any authorised driver to use any vehicle which is ,held in the policyholder&rsquo,s care, …


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Biggest change in insurance contract law for over 100 years

Date: Thursday 12 May 2016

Lawgistics, the IAAF's legal service provider has issued guidance on The Insurance Act 2015 (the &lsquo,Act&rsquo,) which received Royal Assent on 12th February 2015 and will come into force on the 12…


Legal Updates

Compassionate leave

Date: Monday 04 April 2016

Employees have no statutory right to compassionate leave, so a request can be refused. Although this is the legal position, it is often seen as being unfair. Employees are entitled to take a reason…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Drug Driving Laws

Date: Monday 04 April 2016

New drug driving laws came into effect on the 2nd March 2016. &nbsp,They only apply to England and Wales and not to Scotland or Northern Ireland. &nbsp,The Road Traffic Act 1988 has been amend…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

Horseplay in the workplace or Hammer it home

Date: Tuesday 23 February 2016

Recently, a court refused to allow an appeal by an employee who was hit on the head by a thrown hammer. He was denied compensation from the employer and as such put in an appeal. , In the case of…


Legal Updates

Dealing with disability related absences

Date: Tuesday 09 February 2016

This is a common issue that arises in businesses up and down the country, long term sickness and potential disability discrimination.  ,When can an employer justifiably count a period absence attr…


Legal Updates
HR Updates

More rights for zero hour workers

Date: Tuesday 09 February 2016

Do you have any workers on a zero hours contract within your company? If so it is worth taking some time to check over their agreement and ensuring you are compliant with new developments on zero hour…


Legal Updates

Drink Driving – the morning after the night before

Date: Thursday 07 January 2016

Think!, the Department of Transport road safety website, has launched a new campaign to raise awareness regarding drink driving. No doubt during the festive period many alcoholic beverages were consum…


Legal Updates

The short-term right to reject under the Consumer Rights Act 2015

Date: Friday 06 November 2015

Following on from the last update about the short term right of consumers to reject goods, a question was received about who is responsible for getting the vehicle back to the dealer should a customer…


Legal Updates

Consumer Rights Act 2015

Date: Friday 30 October 2015

October 2015 brings the implementation of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 which will become the main piece of legislation on which consumers will be relying when buying a car, coming into force on 1st Oc…


Legal Updates

Legal Update from Lawgistics

Date: Friday 30 October 2015

Lawgistics, providers of the IAAF legal helpline, have recently encountered a number of cases where proceedings have been issued incorrectly, generally seen in the individual's name rather than the Li…


Legal Updates

Displaying your Company name….What are you obligated to do?

Date: Thursday 29 October 2015

Lawgistics, providers of the IAAF legal helpline, have recently encountered a number of cases where proceedings have been issued incorrectly, generally seen in the individual's name rather than the Li…


Legal Updates