IAAF donates to British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal
Date: Thursday 03 March 2022
IAAF has made a donation to the British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal, which has distributed more than 30,000 food and hygiene parcels so far, and is helping evacuate people with disabilities.
The Ukrainian Red Cross has also provided food, warm clothing and other aid to around 8,000 people sheltering in metro stations. They are providing first aid, and have done first aid training for more than 2,000 people in metro stations and bomb shelters.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is working to provide water and repair water infrastructure especially in areas in the east, where water supplies have been disrupted. They have set up water points and delivered water to villages and hospitals.
Donations can be made here: https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-crisis-appeal